Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Dry Cough 5 Mo Old Chronic Dry Cough For Longer Than 1 Month, How Can I Get Rid Of It??.?

Chronic Dry cough for longer than 1 month, how can i get rid of it??.? - dry cough 5 mo old

I had a cough, 5 weeks, I am 29 years old and healthy. He gave me a few weeks ago and 5 Cold dumped in a few days but the cough remained. From the lungs can I say. Can even worse in other parts of the day, and kicking especailly when I talk. Not a terrible cough, uncontrollable, but maybe be a little difficult. Anyone with knowledge of the information, please contact ...


randal z said...

Consult a doctor is too long.


You should see a doctor. I bet that people are not doctors.

AARAAN said...

Works like Magic: --
Banana eating, the two just before sleep at night, do so for two nights will do well, but I'll drink anything for 3 hours after eating.

Let me know how it is.

If you do not work, then that is another matter.

In anticipation of your response to the day after.

Kim♥♥Fl♪... said...

Sounds like it could be indicative of asthma. Who can be funded if the 29 May and never before. This happened a year ago. I'm 28, I developed a cough that would not go easy. Every night I awoke from my dream. It seems that in the morning was even worse for me. I have allergies for years. I do not think it was good to continue to remove the cough medicine he needed to take, so my doctor gave me a number [of pain] and found that the evidence he had asthma! When I started Singulair [a pill, once daily for the treatment of allergies and asthma] kept my cough symptoms. I try not to encourage this particular pill, I mean my asthma and allergy symptoms is not completely gone, but they are usually smallControl. At least try to make a doctor if you can see. But I began to cough when I laugh really hard. That bothers me. Good luck! More ... An Internet search for the symptoms of asthma, I think it will surprise you. Not everyone has the típico''''ataque of asthma that some people think when they hear the word asthma.

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