Sunday, February 7, 2010

Hep C Treament Is It Possible To Have Chronic Hep C After Treament And No Virule Load?

Is it possible to have chronic hep c after treament and no virule load? - hep c treament

If not, you do not viral load, then do so "by reason of chronic active hepatitis C. The treatment of the viral particles still in the blood, but are inactivated and are not reproduced, nor will they infect someone. No, I know how much time they have finished treatment, but there is always a possibility of a return in 6 months after completion. Therefore, we believe that someone has an SVR) (sustained virological response if they are not yet detectable 6 months after treatment to highlight it. HCV replicated quickly, so that when the treatment does not work, laboratories showed a viral load within 6 months. If not, then you are one of the lucky ones. As always, you should practice universal precautions when the body fluids and blood for sale (or someone otherwise) be suspended. not worth the risk of HCV (again) or anything else. Best wishes.


Stephani... said...

no. Once the virus has been processed and the time you have a sustained viral response, there is no chronic HCV.

Although it is possible that lead due to diseases associated with HCV infection remains a problem.

Mine is the "brain fog" that will not disappear during the treatment. I'm 5 years after treatment and sustained viral response. I even have a follow-up liver biopsy, which is also supported.

joeniceg... said...

Make sure that theres always the possability that a is) the work is not therapy or b) he is again after the treatment received. Hepatitis C is a mistake to protect stubben, saves safe sex life and save a life today! Save the life that could sell you if your smart and use a condom!

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